Our target group is youth and adults. KEPDER offers a variety of services and programs in the fields of youth and education, sport, cooperation, environment, agriculture, European citizenship, culture, history, personal development, volunteering, and Erasmus+. We have a pool of adult mentors who guide both young and adult individuals. The presence of volunteers is a vital component, adding significant value to KEPDER.
One of our main aims is to enhance participation and promote European citizenship, tolerance, and civic solidarity. In the fields of Youth Policy and European awareness, we engage in youth activities that promote active citizenship and underscore the importance of a more united Europe. Our volunteers play a key role in developing and implementing planned activities.
KEPDER develops activities with diverse groups, including young and adult individuals, elderly women at risk of social exclusion, and others, fostering a sense of community and solidarity.RA Sotla's commitment toinnovation and collaboration ensures a bright and inclusive future for the regions they serve, reinforcing their pivotal role inSlovenia's development landscape. Their tireless efforts continue to shape a more resilient and connected society.